Saturday, May 23

Xbox Rolls Out A New App For Making Friends

Xbox has new app Overdog is the new way of making friends to play games with.

What do you do when you get a new game that none of your friends play?  If the game doesn't have matchmaking, then you're stuck playing single player.  Overdog will change this. You tell the app your interests, and it will find other players with the same interests as you. So now when you're playing with these new friends you can talk about the same things you like instead of awkward silence.

We are currently taking submissions for articles. If you want to write an article for the group then message it to our Facebook page.

Thursday, May 14

Virtual Reality and the gamer

Virtual reality is a hot topic these days amongst gamers. Whenever people talk about VR,  the first device always referred to as an example is the Oculus Rift. well I'm not going to do that, instead I'm going to talk about the other lesser-known virtual reality experiences out there.
Many people want to try out virtual reality but because the Oculus Rift is always at the forefront they think that in order to "get the experience" you have to shell out hundreds of dollars. Here is where Google cardboard comes in.
All you need is some cheap lenses, some cardboard, & a phone. Kits can be bought on Amazon for a very low price. Anywhere from $4 up to $40, depending on the quality of lenses.
With the cardboard you can watch movies in a virtual theater. The screen looks like it is the size of a real movie theater screen!
You can also play virtual reality games, but I would strongly suggest having an Android controller like the Moga.
You might be thinking, "so that's the cheapest option, but what is the best? The Oculus right?". The answer is surprisingly no! The pc gaming giant Valve and HTC have teamed up and are making the best VR headset. 
Their headset, called the "Vive", has a native resolution of 1200x1080, 70 sensors, and a 90Hz refresh rate! But here's the best part: instead of using camera tracking, like the Oculus does, the Vive instead uses built in lasers for positional tracking. This means that you can stand up and walk around your room and you will walk around in-game (Valve suggests using a 15 X 15 ft room).
The Vive will release late 2015 and will likely cost between 250 and 350 dollars.
So there you have it! The cheapest and the best. Which one are you going to buy, if any?

Tuesday, May 5

DLC Has Become A Joke.

DLC, or DownLoadable Content, for video games have become garbage.

DLC use to be the thing everyone wanted. You buy a game, play it, and love it. Then what? You keep replaying it until a similar game comes around, or maybe you get a second game! Then DLC comes along and says,"Hey! Instead of playing this game for the fourth time, here is a continuation. Or here is some new maps, game types, and guns. Just toss us a little money and were good".

Now DLC has become a nightmare. Developers plan to take part of the full game they created, cut it out, and sell it off to you for almost the price of a new game. WHY AREN'T THEY PUTTING THESE THINGS INTO THE GAME YOU BOUGHT? Developers are selling you "DLC" before the game even hits the store shelves!!!! "Hey, you can buy the game, OR you can buy the Season Pass!"
WTF?!?! Do these developers even have a concept of the words "Downloadable Content"?

So here is the proposition. Boycott all paid DLC, unless it's 10 bucks. Otherwise these big-name titles like Call Of Duty will keep F**king us over with their sh*tty $50 DLC that's only worth 10.
What other titles will jump on this DLC bandwagon? No one if we all just don't buy it...

Sunday, May 3

Why Do People Hate Battlefront?

Apparently some VERY WRONG info has been circulating the internet, mostly from Reddit. It is a graph that compares the new Battlefront to the old Battlefront II. There are many mistakes on this chart and it was created off of only tiny pieces of information found in different interviews at Star Wars celebration.
  1. We have NOT seen a gameplay trailer yet. Only a cinematic trailer (using real gameplay).
  2. The game is in the Pre Alpha stage! Not even a Beta yet.
  3. This is a reboot of the Battlefront series. It is GOING to be very different from the original two; so STOP COMPARING!

This article was written only to those who are whining on Reddit right now, not to all those TRUE Star Wars fans.

Saturday, May 2

Watch Dogs 2: It might be great

Watch Dogs was so hyped up. When released it fell very quickly. many people couldn't play it, especially the PC gaming community. Eventually Ubisoft patched it, but the patch actually reduced the quality of the game. When digging through the "Gamer Profile" for Watch Dogs we found a sinister truth. The game's "Deferred Fx Quality" was set to console in order "to reduce the stuttering".
WOW Ubisoft! Don't hold back on the PC master race.

Now Ubisoft is going to make a sequel? People bought the first one off the notion that it would be huge and ever-changing. Now that our dreams have been dashed, why would we buy into that again?

Because the game was still fun. Despite its many flaws, Watch Dogs was still fun on that first playthrough. If Ubisoft has learned from their mistakes then the second Watch Dogs could be the game we really wanted.

What do you think? Will you give Watch Dogs 2 a chance? Let me know in the comments!