Saturday, May 2

Watch Dogs 2: It might be great

Watch Dogs was so hyped up. When released it fell very quickly. many people couldn't play it, especially the PC gaming community. Eventually Ubisoft patched it, but the patch actually reduced the quality of the game. When digging through the "Gamer Profile" for Watch Dogs we found a sinister truth. The game's "Deferred Fx Quality" was set to console in order "to reduce the stuttering".
WOW Ubisoft! Don't hold back on the PC master race.

Now Ubisoft is going to make a sequel? People bought the first one off the notion that it would be huge and ever-changing. Now that our dreams have been dashed, why would we buy into that again?

Because the game was still fun. Despite its many flaws, Watch Dogs was still fun on that first playthrough. If Ubisoft has learned from their mistakes then the second Watch Dogs could be the game we really wanted.

What do you think? Will you give Watch Dogs 2 a chance? Let me know in the comments!

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